Paco's Wasting Your Time: Musings of the Mediocre

Ever wonder what happens when you have virtually nothing to say but oodles of time in which to say it? Yup, I'm wasting your time.


Still pathetic

So, I've noticed that I haven't posted anything new (or of my own for that matter) in quite a while. Yeah... ummm... sorry. The month of June should leave you innundated with all kinds of frivolous thoughts and musings. In the meantime, I've been working on wrapping up college and circulating some essays to various publications.

If YOU have something to contribute to Paco's Wasting Your Time, please use the link WASTE PACO'S TIME to send it along to me. Also, if you haven't already recommended this site to your friends and neighbors... you're a bad person.

I love you.

That's all.